Get index constituents

Get the current and historical constituents of popular stock indices. All symbols are consistent with those in Yahoo Finance.

Currently supported indices

Code Name Start Download
csi300 CSI 300 (沪深300) 2023/07 json / csv
csi500 CSI 500 (中证500) 2024/01 json / csv
csi1000 CSI 1000 (中证1000) 2024/01 json / csv
sse SSE (上证综指) 2023/07 json / csv
szse SZSE (深证成指) 2023/07 json / csv
nasdaq100 NASDAQ 100 2023/07 json / csv
sp500 S&P 500 2023/07 json / csv
dowjones Dow Jones 2023/07 json / csv
dax DAX 2023/07 json / csv
hsi HSI (恒生指数) 2023/07 json / csv
ftse100 FTSE 100 2023/07 json / csv

Historical data

To get the historical index constituents, use the following URL:$YYYY/$MM/constituents-$CODE.$FORMAT

By default we automatically update the data monthly (usually on the first day). Historical data of a particular index is only available from the month we start to include it.

Data source


Source code